Monday Night League 2024, Team Standings

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Teams Team Points Team Participation Points Total Points Team Members
NTG 345.00 0.00 345.00 Jake Price | Josh Price
Feltner + Heisey 376.00 0.00 376.00 Tony Heisey | Zack Feltner
The Rookies 488.00 0.00 488.00 CJ Billing | Jared Middendorf
TMB Inc. 370.00 0.00 370.00 Mark Hery | Tom Christy
Jess + Jess 482.00 0.00 482.00 Kelly Jess | Mike Jess
Redwings 255.00 0.00 255.00 Mark Furdero | Steve Frazier
Esdy Properties 513.00 0.00 513.00 Brian Murray | Mike Bosse
The Rookie Killers 397.00 0.00 397.00 Antony Billing | Shane Billing
Harter + Berger 435.00 0.00 435.00 Doug Harter | Hank Berger
Stonutz 288.00 0.00 288.00 Derek Coverstone | Jacob Utz
Davis 457.00 0.00 457.00 Jeremy Davis | Tim Davis
Go Blue 23 382.00 0.00 382.00 Bryan Swink | Walter Bromagem
Up North 428.00 0.00 428.00 Brad Rench | Chad Kelley
Totals: 5,216.00 0.00 5,216.00